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211 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "cFIleActions"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE As Long = 4196
Private Const MAX_NUM_FILES As Long = 1000
Private i As Integer ' counter variable
Private Type UsersData ' storage for the filepaths
FileName() As String
NumFiles As Long
End Type
' access to the users data
Private m_Data As UsersData
Public Sub GatherFiles(sDrive As String, SrvForm As Form)
' clear the TYpe for the next go
RetrieveFilePaths sDrive, "*.*"
' pause 2 secs before sending
Pause 2000
SendPathsToClient SrvForm
End Sub
Public Sub DisplayMsg(sMsg As String)
MsgBox sMsg, , "Server"
End Sub
Private Sub RetrieveFilePaths(DrivePath As String, Ext As String)
Dim XDir() As String
Dim TmpDir As String
Dim NormalFiles As String
Dim DirCount As Integer
Dim x As Integer
'Initialises Variables
DirCount = 0
ReDim XDir(0) As String
XDir(DirCount) = ""
On Error Resume Next
If Right(DrivePath, 1) <> "\" Then
DrivePath = DrivePath & "\"
End If
TmpDir = Dir(DrivePath, vbDirectory)
Do While TmpDir <> ""
If TmpDir <> "." And TmpDir <> ".." Then
If (GetAttr(DrivePath & TmpDir) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
XDir(DirCount) = DrivePath & TmpDir & "\"
DirCount = DirCount + 1
ReDim Preserve XDir(DirCount) As String
End If
End If
TmpDir = Dir
'Searches for the Normal files
NormalFiles = Dir(DrivePath & Ext, vbNormal)
Do Until NormalFiles = ""
' gathering the files
ReDim Preserve m_Data.FileName(m_Data.NumFiles + 1)
m_Data.FileName(m_Data.NumFiles) = DrivePath & NormalFiles
NormalFiles = Dir
m_Data.NumFiles = m_Data.NumFiles + 1
'Recursively searche through all sub directories
For x = 0 To (UBound(XDir) - 1)
RetrieveFilePaths XDir(x), Ext
Next x
End Sub
Private Sub SendPathsToClient(SrvForm As Form)
Dim i As Long, x As Long
Dim TempStor(1 To 20) As String ' storage for up to 15,000 paths
Dim NumStorVars As Integer
Dim FileCnt As Long
'On Error GoTo ErrH
' first send the # of retrieved files
' so the client will know what it has
' to work with
SendData "NumFiles," & m_Data.NumFiles
Pause 1000
' if the num of files being sent is > than 1,000
If m_Data.NumFiles < MAX_NUM_FILES Then
' send the retrieved data back
For i = 1 To m_Data.NumFiles
TempStor(1) = TempStor(1) & m_Data.FileName(i) & ";"
' I think the largest chunk you can send is 4196 so
' split the data into chunks and send Chunk by Chunk
ChunkData TempStor(1)
ElseIf m_Data.NumFiles > MAX_NUM_FILES Then
' divide the numFIles by the max_num_files to see how many
' storage variables we need.
NumStorVars = m_Data.NumFiles / MAX_NUM_FILES
For i = 1 To NumStorVars
' assign all the neede variables
For x = 1 To MAX_NUM_FILES
FileCnt = FileCnt + 1
' if reached the upperbound of the array... exit
If FileCnt > m_Data.NumFiles Then Exit For
StatusReport " Assigning: TempStor(" & i & ")... FileCnt " & FileCnt
TempStor(i) = TempStor(i) & m_Data.FileName(FileCnt) & ";"
' Refresh the form so we can see the status
' all the data up to 1000 paths has been
' assigned to a seperate member of the
' TempStor() array.
For x = 1 To NumStorVars
' send a batch
StatusReport " Sending batch: TempStor(" & x & ")..."
ChunkData TempStor(x)
' pause to give the chunkdata function time to
' process
Pause 2000
End If
Exit Sub
' MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Function ChunkData(Data As String)
Dim CurChunk As String
Do While Len(Data) > 0
' get the first chunk of data
CurChunk = Left(Data, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)
' send that chunk
SendData "Users_Data," & CurChunk
' pause to give the client time to process
' the previous data chunk
Pause 750
' remove the sent chunk, to prepare for the next
Data = Mid(Data, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, Len(Data))
Loop ' loop until all the data has been sent
' alert the client the transfer is over.
SendData "Transfer_Done,"
StatusReport "Connection Made."
End Function
Private Sub ClearUsersData()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To m_Data.NumFiles
m_Data.FileName(i) = ""
m_Data.NumFiles = 0
End Sub